Google Adsense

Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your visitors are looking for on your site — or matched to the characteristics and interests of the visitors your content attracts — you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.

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ADSENSE Tips - The following tips could be useful for newbies who want to place Google Adsense in their website.

We guess you already have 1 website, blog. If don't have create one for your self.

1. Where to place your adsense?

Google's own AdSense experts say that that there is a direct correlation between the placement of the AdSense ads and the resulting clickthrough. When ads are placed in "content zones", rather than in "advertising zones", response rates on Google AdWords goes up. There are also indications showing that ads appearing on the right side of the page get clicked more than ads appearing on the left side.

Where possible, use ads high on the right of the page. They catch visitors' attention.

2. Adsense Layout

Use white space, so that the AdSense panel catches the eye. Choose borderless ads high on the page. (You can create borderless ads by setting the border color to the same as the background color. Look in your AdSense control panel under "Ad settings".)

3. Stick to only one topic per page.
That makes it easier for Google to serve up highly relevant ads on your pages.

4. Plain, bland pages with few competing hyperlinks result in higher click-through rates on the AdSense ads.

5. If you want to target certain high-priced keywords, use them in the file name, in the heading on the page, and in the first paragraph – in other words, use search engine optimization techniques.

Regardless of what the experts say, your best bet is to tailor your Google AdSense ad placement to what your own experience shows works best for you.

Still can't find the info or want to read more articles on AdSense ? Search it with the best search engine for adsense (google).

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